CLEVELAND, Ohio — November 19, 2015 — GPS World relaunched this week with a redesigned print magazine and website, GPSWorld.com. Both feature a new logo, new design and widened coverage.
The GPS World brand has repositioned itself with expanded technical coverage that includes all GNSS and Position, Navigation & Timing (PNT) solutions, trends and applications.

“We celebrated GPS World’s 25th anniversary in 2014 by embarking on the brand’s most-comprehensive research project to date,” said Kevin Stoltman, president and CEO of Cleveland-based North Coast Media, GPS World’s parent company.
The GPS World team conducted a research project and used a rebranding/repositioning expert to help better serve its industry-leading family of readers and marketing partners for decades to come.
“After months of comprehensive focus groups and surveys, we discovered readers and advertisers across the globe are fiercely loyal to GPS World,” Stoltman adds. “They love what we do, the information we offer. They just crave more of it: They want us to cover all GNSS and PNT technologies, trends and applications — and that’s exactly what we’re doing now, across all media platforms: print, digital and events.”

The new GPS World publication also features a six-fold increase in segment-specific technical coverage — GNSS/PNT trends, obstacles and opportunities related to: Survey, Mapping, OEM, unmanned autonomous vehicles (UAVs), Defense, Mobile, Transportation and Machine Control. Those increase in segments also are reflected on GPSWorld.com.
“GNSS — and GPS as its leading element — remains at the core of all that we and the industry do,” said Alan Cameron, editor-in-chief and publisher of GPS World. “But it has become abundantly clear that to deliver the everywhere-everytime solution, GPS/GNSS require augmentation, back-up and alternatives. This is the promise of the future for UAVs, critical infrastructure, defense, machine control, surveying, construction and countless other fields: a consistent, highly accurate PNT solution at all times. Our new brand and expanded coverage represent our commitment to the industry in pursuit of this goal.”
The new website features a mobile-responsive design as well as new opportunities for website sponsorship with the Platinum Website Sponsorship option.
About GPS World
Founded in 1990, GPS World has an independently audited total unduplicated reach of 70,650 — delivering the largest audience in the industry. The B2B media brand publishes nine e-newsletters with a combined readership of more than 113,000, and conducts monthly technical webinars for engineers. Its website, GPSWorld.com, draws an industry-dominant 650,000 visitors and 1.5 million page views annually. (Source: June 2015 Verified Audit Circulation Annual Audit Report)
For more information on advertising or sponsorship opportunities with GPS World, please contact International Account Manager Michelle Mitchell at mmitchell@northcoastmedia.net or 216-363-7922.
GPS World is published by North Coast Media LLC, the largest B2B publishing company headquartered in Cleveland. NCM’s flagship brands include LP Gas, Pit & Quarry, GPS World, Pest Management Professional, Landscape Management and Golfdom. Ancillary brands include Portable Plants & Equipment, Geospatial Solutions, Athletic Turf, Truman’s Scientific Guide to Pest Management Operations and a host of other leading industry reference books.