Best of 2015, as picked by the editors
The issue: Pest Management Professional, August 2015
Selected by: Editor Heather Gooch
When I was asked to choose my favorite PMP cover story from 2015, my initial thought was, “How can I choose? I love them all!”
I’m still quite proud of all the work we’ve done throughout the year, but I do have a favorite: the August issue.
“The Buzz on Pollinator Policy” takes an in-depth look at how the White House Pollinator Plan, issued May 19, directly affects the professional pest management industry. We interviewed associations, consultants, business owners and technical directors, and we did a timeline of the history of bee colony disorders. For example, did you know that the phenomenon now known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) was first documented in 1869? It’s not as new of a problem as one might think.
Our coverage was a team effort, from Senior Editor Will Nepper and Editorial Director Marty Whitford to now-Managing Editor Diane Sofranec and myself. We uncovered so much information, in fact, that the topic spawned a follow-up story in our October issue, where we rounded up reaction and insights from six major manufacturers affected by the policy.
In 2016, our first priority will continue to be to our readers — as it has been since our founding as Exterminators Log in 1933. We will continue to break down the issues that affect the industry, and help put them into context.