Friday Favorites: Landscape Management

Best of 2015, as picked by the editors

As the end of the year grows near, the editors of our magazines choose their favorite issue of 2015. First up, Landscape Management Editor-in-chief Marisa Palmieri tells us her favorite issue of 2015 differs from her usual pick.

The issue: Landscape Management, July 2015

Selected by: Editor-in-chief Marisa Palmieri


Landscape Management, July 2015“Pick ONE favorite issue?! That’s like picking my favorite child, sister, parent or college roommate. They’re all great for their own reasons.
I always love our October Business Planner because it offers page after page of awesome business advice. And the LM150 (June) and Industry Pulse (December) are also near and dear to my heart because of all the effort that goes into them and the research insights that come out of them.

But I think for 2015, I have to choose our July issue, which features a great company called Sun Valley Landscaping on the cover and also includes our NALP Community Stewardship Awards supplement. If you need a dose of inspiration, this is your go-to issue of LM.”