ASBPE Recognizes NCM Brands for Editorial and Design Excellence

CLEVELAND, OHIO — July 9, 2020 — North Coast Media’s (NCM’s) Golfdom, Landscape Management (LM), and Pest Management Professional (PMP) business-to-business (B2B) media brands recently won 11 Azbee Awards of Excellence from the American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE).

Azbee Awards recognize the exceptional work of print and digital media in the professional publications industry. According to, more than 1,000 entries were submitted in 63 different categories. “We applaud our editorial and design teams for their hard work. Year in and year out, our print and digital media solutions are selected as content and design leaders, which is great news for our growing family of marketing partners,” says Kevin Stoltman, NCM president and CEO.


Golfdom, which provides a mix of education and entertainment for golfcourse superintendents, won:

• National Gold, Design, Front Cover Photo: “Golfdom July 2019 cover photo” — Silvies Valley Ranch and Pete Seltzer

LM, which provides real-world solutions for landscape contractors, won:

• National Bronze, Online, Social Media Presence: Twitter, Facebook,  LinkedIn and Instagram — Seth Jones, Abby Hart, Kelly Limpert, Clara Richter, Sarah Webb and Tyler Gunter

• Regional Bronze, Trade Show/Conference Coverage: GIE+Expo — Seth Jones, Abby Hart, Christina Herrick, Clara Richter, Sarah Webb, Danielle Pesta and Tyler Gunter

• Regional Bronze, Print, Special Supplement: “LM150 supplement” — Seth Jones, Abby Hart, Clara Richter, Sarah Webb, Danielle Pesta and Tracie Martinez

PMP, which captivates and educates pest control professionals with technical tips and intel on business trends and tools, won:

• National Gold, Design, Front Cover Illustration: “State of the Industry Report” — Tracie Martinez

• National Gold, Design, Front Cover, Typographic: “Bed Bugs” — Tracie Martinez

• National Bronze, Original Research: “Fiscal Fitness Check — Marty Whitford and Daniel Gordon

• National Bronze, Print, Single-Topic Coverage by a Team: Protecting People & Pollinators” — Heather Gooch and Diane Sofranec

• Regional Gold, Print, How-To Article: “Wildlife’s Big 10 Myths” — Heather Gooch

• Regional Silver, Special Supplement: “2020 State of the Industry Report” — Marty Whitford, Diane Sofranec and Heather Gooch

• Regional Bronze, Online, Web News Section: “PMP’s News Section” — Heather Gooch, Diane Sofranec, Ellen Kriz and Danielle Pesta

About North Coast Media

North Coast Media, LLC (NCM) is a progressive B2B media company headquartered in Cleveland. NCM’s flagship brands include Golfdom, Landscape Management (LM), Pest Management Professional (PMP), GPS World, LP Gas, Pit & Quarry, and Portable Plants. Each NCM brand consists of multiple experiences that make powerful connections between the buyers and sellers in each marketplace served, including print and digital media, content marketing and exclusive networking events.